Search against both fields (one split, one not split)? Keep original
and tokenized form? I am doing something similar with class name
autocompletes here:

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On Tue, Jul 15, 2014 at 8:04 AM, Hayden Muhl <> wrote:
> I'm working on using Solr for autocompleting usernames. I'm running into a
> problem with the wildcard queries (e.g. username:al*).
> We are tokenizing usernames so that a username like "solr-user" will be
> tokenized into "solr" and "user", and will match both "sol" and "use"
> prefixes. The problem is when we get "solr-u" as a prefix, I'm having to
> split that up on the client side before I construct a query "username:solr*
> username:u*". I'm basically using a regex as a poor man's tokenizer.
> Is there a better way to approach this? Is there a way to tell Solr to
> tokenize a string and use the parts as prefixes?
> - Hayden

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