Tom -

You could maybe isolate it a little further by seeing using the “debug" 
parameter with values of timing|query|results


On May 15, 2014, at 5:50 PM, Tom Burton-West <> wrote:

> Hello all,
> I'm trying to get relevance scoring information for each of 1,000 docs 
> returned for each of 250 queries.    If I run the query (appended below) 
> without debugQuery=on, I have no problem with getting all the results with 
> under 4GB of memory use.  If I add the parameter &debugQuery=on, memory use 
> goes up continuously and after about 20 queries (with 1,000 results each), 
> memory use reaches about 29.1 GB and the garbage collector gives up:
> " org.apache.solr.common.SolrException; null:java.lang.RuntimeException: 
> java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: GC overhead limit exceeded"
> I've attached a jmap -histo, exgerpt below.
> Is this a known issue with debugQuery?
> Tom
> ----
> query: 
> q=Abraham+Lincoln&fl=id,score&indent=on&wt=json&start=0&rows=1000&version=2.2&debugQuery=on
> without debugQuery=on:
> q=Abraham+Lincoln&fl=id,score&indent=on&wt=json&start=0&rows=1000&version=2.2
> num       #instances    #bytes  Class description
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
> 1:              585,559 10,292,067,456  byte[]
> 2:              743,639 18,874,349,592  char[]
> 3:              53,821  91,936,328      long[]
> 4:              70,430  69,234,400      int[]
> 5:              51,348  27,111,744      org.apache.lucene.util.fst.FST$Arc[]
> 6:              286,357 20,617,704      org.apache.lucene.util.fst.FST$Arc
> 7:              715,364 17,168,736      java.lang.String
> 8:              79,561  12,547,792      * ConstMethodKlass
> 9:              18,909  11,404,696      short[]
> 10:             345,854 11,067,328      java.util.HashMap$Entry
> 11:             8,823   10,351,024      * ConstantPoolKlass
> 12:             79,561  10,193,328      * MethodKlass
> 13:             228,587 9,143,480       org.apache.lucene.document.FieldType
> 14:             228,584 9,143,360       org.apache.lucene.document.Field
> 15:             368,423 8,842,152       org.apache.lucene.util.BytesRef
> 16:             210,342 8,413,680       java.util.TreeMap$Entry
> 17:             81,576  8,204,648       java.util.HashMap$Entry[]
> 18:             107,921 7,770,312       org.apache.lucene.util.fst.FST$Arc
> 19:             13,020  6,874,560       org.apache.lucene.util.fst.FST$Arc[]
> <debugQuery_jmap.txt>

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