Evgeniy Strokin wrote:
I'm sorry, I didn't explain my case clearly. My Index base should
stay the same. User run query, and each time he runs query he wants
to suppress his own IDs. The example will be a merchant, who sell
books. He sell only fantasy books and he wants to see all fantasy
books in stock of wholesaler except books he already has in his own
stack. So he provides a list of books he already has and want them to
be excluded from his search result. So suppression is per query
actually (it would be better to say per user's session, but since
Solr has no sessions I'd say per query). Obviously other book shop
has his own book list and his own query and he wants to search and
suppress from the same index base of wholesaler.

What I would do is index book-merchant pairs, instead of books and merchants separately. Each document would have the merchant's ID in there, so you can just add a fq statement to exclude the current merchant.

It's a far ways from normalized data, but this is an index, not an RDBMS. Denormalize the data into documents, and index that.


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