
I have a document with a textual field, I would like to sort the highlighted 
snippets by the number of term occurrences.

For instance, when I have the following snippets:

"Solr Solr Solr"

"Solr Solr"

"Solr Solr Solr Solr"

I would like to get them ordered as:

"Solr Solr Solr Solr"

"Solr Solr Solr"

"Solr Solr"

After I debug the Highlighter I saw that it uses the 
org.apache.lucene.search.highlight.QueryScorer, this scorer gives the same 
score to all the snippets.

*         Is there any other Scorer I can use?

*         How can I set different scorer in solrconfig.xml?



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