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2014-09-05 9:44 GMT+02:00 "Jürgen Wagner (DVT)" <juergen.wag...@devoteam.com

> Hello all,
>   as the migration from FAST to Solr is a relevant topic for several of
> our customers, there is one issue that does not seem to be addressed by
> Lucene/Solr: document vectors FAST-style. These document vectors are
> used to form metrics of similarity, i.e., they may be used as a
> "semantic fingerprint" of documents to define similarity relations. I
> can think of several ways of approximating a mapping of this mechanism
> to Solr, but there are always drawbacks - mostly performance-wise.
> Has anybody else encountered and possibly approached this challenge so far?
> Is there anything in the roadmap of Solr that has not revealed itself to
> me, addressing this issue?
> Your input is greatly appreciated!
> Cheers,
> --Jürgen

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