On 9/17/2014 7:06 AM, Ere Maijala wrote:
> As far as I can see, when a Solr instance is started (whether
> standalone or SolrCloud), a PingRequestHandler will wait until index
> warmup is complete before returning (at least with
> useColdSearcher=false) which may take a while. This poses a problem in
> that a load balancer either needs to wait for the result or employ a
> short timeout for timely failover. Of course the request is eventually
> served, but it would be better to be able to switch over to another
> server until warmup is complete.
> So, is it possible to configure a ping handler to return quickly with
> non-OK status if a search handler is not yet available? This would
> allow the load balancer to quickly fail over to another server. I
> couldn't find anything like this in the docs, but I'm still hopeful.
> I'm aware of the possibility of using a health state file, but I'd
> rather have a way of doing this automatically.

If it's not horribly messy to implement, returning a non-OK status
immediately when there is no available searcher seems like a good idea. 
Please file an improvement issue in Jira.

This can be handled on the load balancer end by configuring a quick
timeout on load balancer health checks, and doing them very frequently.

I've got haproxy in front of my solr servers.  My checks happen every
five seconds, with a 4990 millisecond timeout.  My ping handler query
(defined in solrconfig.xml) is "q=*:*&rows=1" ... so it's very simple
and fast.  Because of efficiencies in the *:* query and caching, I doubt
this is putting much of a load on Solr.  It would probably be acceptable
to do the health checks once a second, although with typical Solr
logging configs you'd end up with a LOT of log data.  If you configure
logging at the WARN level, this would not be a worry.


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