Try using a custom value source parser and pass the "formula" of computing
the price to solr; something like this

On Mon, Sep 22, 2014 at 1:38 AM, Scott Smith <>

> There are likely several hundred groups.  Also, new groups will be added
> and some groups will be deleted.  So, I don't think putting a field in the
> docs works.  Having to add a new group price into 100 million+ documents
> doesn't seem reasonable.
> Right now I'm looking at
> This reference a much older version of solr (the blog is from 2011) and so
> I will need to update the classes referenced.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Erick Erickson []
> Sent: Saturday, September 20, 2014 11:58 AM
> To:
> Subject: Re: Help on custom sort
> How many different groups are there? And can user A ever be part of more
> than one group?
> If
> 1> there are a reasonably small number of groups (< 100 or so as a
> place to start)
> and
> 2> a user is always part of a single group
> then you could store separate prices in each document by group, thus you'd
> have some fields like
> price_group_a: $100
> price_group_b: $101
> then sorting  becomes trivial, you just specify a sort_group_a for users
> in group A etc. If the number of groups is unknown-but-not-huge dynamic
> fields could be used.
> If that's not the case, then you might be able to get clever with sorting
> by function, here's a place to start:
> These can be arbitrarily complex, but I'm thinking something where the
> price returned by the function respects the group the user is in, perhaps
> even the min/max of all the groups the user is in. I admit I haven't really
> thought that through well though...
> Best,
> Erick
> On Sat, Sep 20, 2014 at 9:26 AM, Scott Smith <>
> wrote:
> > I need to provide a custom sort option for sorting by price and I would
> like some suggestions.  It's not the straightforward "just sort by a price
> field in the document" scenario or I wouldn't be asking for help.  Here's
> the scenario I'm dealing with.
> >
> > I have 100 million+ documents (so multi-sharded).  Users search for
> documents they are interested in using a standard keyword search.  They
> then purchase documents they are interested in.  So far, nothing hard.
> >
> > Here's where things get "interesting".  The documents come from multiple
> suppliers.  Each supplier sets a price for his documents and different
> suppliers will provide different pricing.
> >
> > That wouldn't be difficult except that *users* are divided up into
> different groups and depending on which group they are in, the supplier
> will charge the user a different price.  So, user A may pay one price for a
> document and user B may pay a different price for the same document just
> because user A and user B are in different groups.  I don't even know if
> the relative order or pricing is the same between different groups (e.g.,
> if document X is more expensive than document Y for a user in group M, it
> may not be more expensive for a user in group N).  The one thing that may
> make this doable is that supplier A will likely have the same price for all
> of his documents for each of the user groups.  So, a user in group A will
> pay the same price regardless of which document he buys from supplier 1.  A
> user in group B will also pay the same price for any document from supplier
> 1; it's just that a user in group B will likely pay a different price than
> a user in group A.  So, within a supplier, the price varies based on user
> group, not the document.
> >
> > To summarize, one of the requirements for the system is that we provide
> the ability to sort search results based on price.  This would be easy
> except that the price a user pays not only depends on what he wants to buy,
> but on what group the he is in.
> >
> > I suspect there is some kind of custom solr module I'm going to have to
> write.  I'm thinking that the user group gets passed in as a custom solr
> parameter (I'm assuming that's possible??).  Then I'm thinking that there
> has to be some kind of in memory database that tracks pricing based on user
> group and document supplier).
> >
> > I'm happy to go read code, documents, links, etc if someone can point me
> in the right direction.  What kind of solr module am I likely going to
> write (extend) and are there some examples somewhere?  Maybe there's a way
> to do this without having to extend a solr module??
> >
> > Hope this makes sense.  Any help is appreciated.
> >
> > Scott
> >
> >

Thanks & Regards,

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