Hi together,

we currently plan to setup a project based on solr cloud and amazon 
webservices. Our main search application is deployed using aws opsworks which 
works out quite good.
Since we also want to provision solr to ec2 i want to ask for experiences with 
the different deployment/provisioning tools.
By now i see the following 3 approaches.

1. Using ludic solr scale tk to setup and maintain the cluster
Who is using this in production and what are your experiences?

2. Implementing own chef cookbooks for aws opsworks to install solrcloud as a 
custom opsworks layer
Did somebody do this allready?
What are you experiences?

Are there any cookbooks out, where we can contribute and reuse?

3. Implementing own chef cookbooks for aws opsworks to install solrcloud as a 
docker container
Any experiences with this?

Do you see other options? Afaik elasticbeanstalk could also be an option?
It would be very nice to get some experiences and recommendations?



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