Hi Erick,
Thanks for the explanation, I understand that the analysis chain is applied 
after the raw input was copied.
I need to store the output of the analysis chain as a new multi-value field, 
and I think that ShingleFilterFactory might do that, isn’t it?


-----Original Message-----
From: Erick Erickson [mailto:erickerick...@gmail.com] 
Sent: Sunday, October 19, 2014 4:31 PM
To: solr-user@lucene.apache.org
Subject: Re: CopyField from text to multi value

Not quite sure what you're asking here. If you do a copyField, the raw input 
is, well, copied to the destination field and _then_ the analysis chain is 
applied. Which seems to be what you want, the destination field would be a 
text-based field, perhaps text_general or some such from the distro.

And perhaps there;s some confusion about what multiValued means here. It does 
_not_ mean "tokenized", i.e. broken up into words. non-multiValued fields can 
be tokenized.

multiValued means tha tmore than one entry for the field can be in a doc.
I.e. (using the XML form of an input doc as an example)

      <field name="multi">some text</field>
      <field name="multi">and now for something completely different</field>  
</doc> </add>

will succeed with a field defined as multiValued="true", but fail with 
something with multiValued="false".

In either case, though, whether the input was broken up into multiple, 
independently-searchable tokens (words) is orthogonal to whether it's 
multiValued or not, and is entirely dependent on the analysis chain in the 
<fieldType> for the field in question.


On Sun, Oct 19, 2014 at 9:07 AM, Tomer Levi <tomer.l...@nice.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> I would like to copy a textual field content into a multivalue filed.
> For example,
> Let’s say my field text contains: *“I am a solr user”*
> I would like to have a multi-value copyFields with the following content*:
> [“I”, “am”, “a”, “solr”, “user”]*
> *Thanks,*
> *Tomer Levi*
> *Software Engineer  *
> *Big Data Group*
> *Product & Technology Unit*
> (T) +972 (9) 775-2693
> tomer.l...@nice.com
> www.nice.com
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