I have three equal machines each running solr cloud (4.8). I have multiple 
collections that are replicated but not sharded. I also have document 
generation processes running on these nodes which involves querying the 
collection ~5 times per document generated.

Node 1 has a replica of collection A and is running document generation code 
that pushes to the HTTP /update/json hander.
Node 2 is the leader of collection A.
Node 3 does not have a replica of node A, but is running document generation 
code for collection A.

The issue I see is that node 1 can push documents into Solr 3-5 times faster 
than node 3 when they both talk to the solr instance on their localhost. If 
either of them talk directly to the solr instance on node 2, the performance is 
excellent (on par with node 1). To me it seems that the only difference in 
these cases is the query/put request forwarding. Does this involve some slow 
zookeeper communication that should be avoided? Any other insights?


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