Latest versions of Solr have collapsing and expanding plugins,
reranking plugins and post-filters. Some combinations of these seem
like it might be relevant.

And, of course, there is always carrot2 clustering.

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On 3 November 2014 18:07,  <> wrote:
> Hello,
> We need to order solr search results according to specific rules.
> I will explain with an example. Let say solr returns 1000 results for query 
> "sport".
> These results must be divided into three buckets according to rules that come 
> from database.
> Then one doc must be chosen from each bucket and put in the results 
> subsequently until all buckets are empty.
> One approach was to modify/override solr code where it gets results, sorts 
> them and return #rows of elements.
> However, from the code in scoreAll function we see that docs have 
> only internal document id and nothing else.
> We expect unique solr document id in order to match documents with the custom 
> scoring.
> We also  see that Lucene code handles those doc ids to scoreAll function, and 
> for now We do not want to modify Lucene code
>  and prefer to solve this issue as a Solr  plugin .
> Any ideas are welcome.
> Thanks.
> Alex.

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