Just curious if there are some suggestions here. The use case is fairly

Given a query like  python OR solr OR hadoop, I want to sort results by
"number of keywords matched" first, and by relevancy separately.

I can think of ways to do this, but not efficiently. For example, I could
q=python OR solr OR hadoop&
desc, score desc

Other than the obvious downside that this requires me to pre-parse the
user's query, it's also somewhat inefficient to run the query function once
for each term in the original query since it is re-executing multiple
queries and looping through every document in the index during scoring.

Ideally, I would be able to do something like the below that could just
pull the count of unique matched terms from the main query (q parameter)
q=python OR solr OR hadoop&sort=uniquematchedterms() desc,score desc.

I don't think anything like this exists, but would love some suggestions if
anyone else has solved this before.



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