Just tried  adding  <uniqueKey>id</uniqueKey> while keeping id type=
"string" only blank ids are being generated ,looks like the id is being
auto generated only if the the id is set to  type uuid , but in case of
SolrCloud this id will be unique per replica.

Is there a  way to generate a unique id both in case of SolrCloud with out
using the uuid type or not having a per replica unique id?

The uuid in question is of type .

<fieldType name="uuid" class="solr.UUIDField" indexed="true" />

On Wed, Nov 12, 2014 at 6:20 PM, S.L <simpleliving...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Thanks.
> So the issue here is I already have a <uniqueKey>doctorId<uniquekey>
> defined in my schema.xml.
> If along with that I also want the <id></id> field to be automatically
> generated for each document do I have to declare it as a <uniquekey> as
> well , because I just tried the following setting without the uniqueKey for
> id and its only generating blank ids for me.
> *schema.xml*
>         <field name="id" type="string" indexed="true" stored="true"
>             required="true" multiValued="false" />
> *solrconfig.xml*
>       <updateRequestProcessorChain name="uuid">
>         <processor class="solr.UUIDUpdateProcessorFactory">
>             <str name="fieldName">id</str>
>         </processor>
>         <processor class="solr.RunUpdateProcessorFactory" />
>     </updateRequestProcessorChain>
> On Tue, Nov 11, 2014 at 7:47 PM, Garth Grimm <
> garthgr...@averyranchconsulting.com> wrote:
>> Looking a little deeper, I did find this about UUIDField
>> http://lucene.apache.org/solr/4_9_0/solr-core/org/apache/solr/schema/UUIDField.html
>> "NOTE: Configuring a UUIDField instance with a default value of "NEW" is
>> not advisable for most users when using SolrCloud (and not possible if the
>> UUID value is configured as the unique key field) since the result will be
>> that each replica of each document will get a unique UUID value. Using
>> UUIDUpdateProcessorFactory<
>> http://lucene.apache.org/solr/4_9_0/solr-core/org/apache/solr/update/processor/UUIDUpdateProcessorFactory.html>
>> to generate UUID values when documents are added is recomended instead.”
>> That might describe the behavior you saw.  And the use of
>> UUIDUpdateProcessorFactory to auto generate ID’s seems to be covered well
>> here:
>> http://solr.pl/en/2013/07/08/automatically-generate-document-identifiers-solr-4-x/
>> Though I’ve not actually tried that process before.
>> On Nov 11, 2014, at 7:39 PM, Garth Grimm <
>> garthgr...@averyranchconsulting.com<mailto:
>> garthgr...@averyranchconsulting.com>> wrote:
>> “uuid” isn’t an out of the box field type that I’m familiar with.
>> Generally, I’d stick with the out of the box advice of the schema.xml
>> file, which includes things like….
>>   <!-- Only remove the "id" field if you have a very good reason to.
>> While not strictly
>>     required, it is highly recommended. A <uniqueKey> is present in
>> almost all Solr
>>     installations. See the <uniqueKey> declaration below where
>> <uniqueKey> is set to "id".
>>   -->
>>   <field name="id" type="string" indexed="true" stored="true"
>> required="true" multiValued="false" />
>> and…
>> <!-- Field to use to determine and enforce document uniqueness.
>>      Unless this field is marked with required="false", it will be a
>> required field
>>   -->
>> <uniqueKey>id</uniqueKey>
>> If you’re creating some key/value pair with uuid as the key as you feed
>> documents in, and you know that the uuid values you’re creating are unique,
>> just change the field name and unique key name from ‘id’ to ‘uuid’.  Or
>> change the key name you send in from ‘uuid’ to ‘id’.
>> On Nov 11, 2014, at 7:18 PM, S.L <simpleliving...@gmail.com<mailto:
>> simpleliving...@gmail.com>> wrote:
>> Hi All,
>> I am seeing interesting behavior on the replicas , I have a single
>> shard and 6 replicas and on SolrCloud 4.10.1 . I  only have a small
>> number of documents ~375 that are replicated across the six replicas .
>> The interesting thing is that the same  document has a different id in
>> each one of those replicas .
>> This is causing the fq(id:xyz) type queries to fail, depending on
>> which replica the query goes to.
>> I have  specified the id field in the following manner in schema.xml,
>> is it the right way to specifiy an auto generated id in  SolrCloud ?
>>       <field name="id" type="uuid" indexed="true" stored="true"
>>           required="true" multiValued="false" />
>> Thanks.

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