Hi Erik,

Probably I celebrated too soon. When I tested {!field} it seemed to work as the 
query was on such a data that it made to look like it is working.  using the 
example that I originally mentioned to search for Tom Hanks Major

1) If I search {!field f=displayName}: Hanks Major,  it works

2) If I provide partial word {!field f=displayName}: Hanks Ma,  it does not work

Is this how {!field is designed to work?

Also I tried without and with escaping space as you suggested. It has the same 

1) q= field1:"Hanks Major" , it works
2) q= field1:"Hanks Maj" , does not works

Dinesh Babu.

-----Original Message-----
From: Erik Hatcher [mailto:erik.hatc...@gmail.com]
Sent: 05 December 2014 16:44
To: solr-user@lucene.apache.org
Subject: Re: How to stop Solr tokenising search terms with spaces

But also, to spell out the more typical way to do that:

   q=field1:”…” OR field2:”…”

The nice thing about {!field} is that the value doesn’t have to have quotes and 
deal with escaping issues, but if you just want phrase queries and 
quote/escaping isn’t a hassle maybe that’s cleaner for you.


> On Dec 5, 2014, at 11:30 AM, Dinesh Babu <dinesh.b...@pb.com> wrote:
> One more quick question Erik,
> If I want to do search on multiple fields using {!field} do we have a query 
> similar to what  {!prefix} has
> :  q={!prefix f=field1 v=$f1_val} OR {!prefix f=field2 v=$f2_val} where 
> &f1_val=<field 1 value>&f2_val=<field2 value>
> Regards,
> Dinesh Babu.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Dinesh Babu
> Sent: 05 December 2014 16:26
> To: solr-user@lucene.apache.org
> Subject: RE: How to stop Solr tokenising search terms with spaces
> Thanks a lot Erik. {!field} seems to solve our issue. Much appreciate your 
> help
> Regards,
> Dinesh Babu.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Erik Hatcher [mailto:erik.hatc...@gmail.com]
> Sent: 05 December 2014 16:00
> To: solr-user@lucene.apache.org
> Subject: Re: How to stop Solr tokenising search terms with spaces
> try using {!field} instead of {!prefix}.  {!field} will create a phrase query 
> (or term query if it’s just one term) after analysis.  [it also could 
> construct other query types if the analysis overlaps tokens, but maybe not 
> relevant here]
> Also note that you can use multiple of these expressions if needed:  
> q={!prefix f=field1 v=$f1_val} OR {!prefix f=field2 v=$f2_val} where 
> &f1_val=<field 1 value>&f2_val=<field2 value>
>        Erik
>> On Dec 5, 2014, at 10:45 AM, Dinesh Babu <dinesh.b...@pb.com> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> We are using Solr 4.10.2 to store user names from LDAP. I want Solr not to 
>> tokenise my search term which has space in it Eg: If there is a user by the 
>> name Tom Hanks Major, then
>> 1) When I do a query for " Tom Hanks Major " , I don't want solr break this 
>> search phrase and search for individual words (ie, Tom ,Hanks, Major), but 
>> search for the whole phrase and get me the Tom Hanks Major user
>> 2) Also if I query for "Hanks Major" I should get the Tom Hanks Major user 
>> back
>> We used !prefix, but that does no allow the scenario 2. Also !prefix will 
>> restrict the search to one field and can't do on mutiple fields. Any 
>> solutions?
>> Regards,
>> Dinesh Babu.
>> ________________________________
> ________________________________


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