hi ,
The current replication strategy in solr involves shell scripts . The
following are the drawbacks
*  It does not work with windows
* Replication works as a separate piece not integrated with solr.
* Cannot control replication from solr admin/JMX
* Each operation requires manual telnet to the host

Doing the replication within java code has the following advantages
* Platform independence
* Manual steps can be completely eliminated. Everything can be driven
from solrconfig.xml .
** Just put in the url of the master in the slaves that should be good
enough to enable replication. Other things like frequency of
snapshoot/snappull can also be configured
* Start/stop can be triggered from solr/admin or JMX
* Can get the status/progress while replication is going on
* No need to have a login into the machine

The implementation can be done as two components
* A SolrEventListener which does a snapshoot . Same as done by the script
* A ReplicationHandler which can act as a server to dish out the index
snapshots (in the master)
** In the slave the same handler can poll at regular intervals and if
there is a new snapshot fetch the index over http (it can use
* The same Handler can do a snap install
* The Handler may expose all the operations over a REST interface or JMX
* It may also show the current state of the master index through the console

What do you think?

--Noble Paul

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