: When I run the following query (Solr 4.10.2) with edit-distance, I'm
: getting a null pointer exception:
: *<host>/solr/select?q=fld:(Event
: ID)&fl=strdist("eventid",fld_alphaonly,edit)*

probably this bug: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/SOLR-6540

: <response><lst name="error"><str name="trace">java.lang.NullPointerException
: </str><int name="code">500</int></lst></response>
: It works if I remove the space between "Event ID", like:
: *<host>/solr/select?q=fld:(EventID)&fl=strdist("eventid",fld_alphaonly,edit)*

because that's a different query, so it matches different docs, so when 
you ask for the "fl" you get differnet things (evidently some docs have 
the "fld_alphaonly" field, and some docs don't)


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