It's supposed to be a simple two shard configuration of SolrCloud with two
copies of Solr running in different tomcat servers on the same box. I can
read the solr.xml just fine as that user (vagrant) and checked out the
permissions and there's nothing obviously wrong there.

On Sat, Dec 20, 2014 at 3:40 PM, Shawn Heisey <> wrote:

> On 12/20/2014 12:27 PM, Mike Thomsen wrote:
> >         at
> > /solr.xml cannot start Solrcommon.SolrException: solr.xml does not
> > exist in /opt/solr/solr-shard1
> >         at org.apache.solr.core.ConfigSolr.fromFile(
> >         ... 20 more
> >
> > I went so far as to set the permissions on solr-shard1 to global
> > read/write/execute (777) and yet it still cannot load the file. It
> doesn't
> > say there's a parse error or anything constructive. Any ideas as to what
> is
> > going on?
> If you log on to the system as the user that is attempting to start the
> container ... can you read that solr.xml file?
> These commands would check the permissions at each point in that path so
> you can see if the user in question has the appropriate rights at each
> level.
> ls -ald /.
> ls -ald /opt/.
> ls -ald /opt/solr/.
> ls -ald /opt/solr/solr-shard1/.
> ls -ald /opt/solr/solr-shard1/solr.xml
> It does seem odd that your solr home would be at a directory called
> solr-shard1 ... it makes more sense to me that it would be /opt/solr ...
> and that the solr.xml would live there.  Only you know what your
> directory structure is, though.
> Thanks,
> Shawn

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