Bram Van Dam [] wrote:

[Solr cursors]

> Oh thanks, that's a pretty interesting read. The scale we're
> investigating is several orders of magnitude larger than what was tested
> there, so I'm still a bit worried.

The beauty of the cursor is that it is has little to no overhead, relative to a 
standard top-X sorted search. A standard search uses a sliding window over the 
full result set, as does a cursor-search. Same amount of work. It is just a 
question of limits for the window.

> The largest index I currently have access to is
> about a billion documents in size. Paging there is a nightmare, but the
> Solr version is too old to support cursors so I'm afraid I can't offer
> any useful data.

Non-cursor paging in Solr uses a sliding window sort with a heap that contains 
all documents up to the paging number. A heap is a very fine thing for sliding 
window sort, as long as it is small. But performance drops to horrible levels 
when it gets large as it is extremely RAM-cache unfriendly.

> Does anyone have any performance data on multi-billion-document indexes?

Sorry, no. I could do a test on our 7 billion documents index, but it would 
have to wait until the end of January.

>Nobody will hit next 499 times, but a lot of our users skip to the last
> page quite often. Maybe I should make *that* as hard as possible. Hmm.

Issue a search with sort in reverse order, then reverse the returned list of 

- Toke Eskildsen

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