Thanks Aman, the thing is the bookName field values are not exactly
identical , but nearly identical , so at the time of indexing I need to
figure out which other book name field this is similar to using NLP
techniques and then put it in the appropriate bag, so that at the retrieval
time I only retrieve all the elements from that bag if any one of the
element matches with the search query.

On Dec 28, 2014 1:54 PM, "Aman Tandon" <> wrote:

> HI,
> You can use the grouping in the solr. You can does this by via query or via
> solrconfig.xml.
> *A) via query*
> http://localhost:8983?your_query_params*&group=true&group.field=bookName*
> You can limit the size of group (how many documents you wants to show),
> suppose you want to show 5 documents per group on this bookName field then
> you can specify the parameter *group.limit=5.*
> *B) via solrconfig*
> <str name="group">true</str> <str name="group.field">*bookName*</str>
> <str name="group.ngroups">true</str> <str name="group.truncate">true</str>
> With Regards
> Aman Tandon
> On Sun, Dec 28, 2014 at 10:29 PM, S.L <> wrote:
> > Hi All,
> >
> > I have a use case where I need to group documents that have a same field
> > called bookName , meaning if there are a multiple documents with the same
> > bookName value and if the user input is searched by a query on  bookName
> ,
> > I need to be able to group all the documents by the same bookName
> together,
> > so that I could display them as a group in the UI.
> >
> > What kind of support does Solr provide for such a scenario , and how
> should
> > I look at changing my schema.xml which as bookName as single valued text
> > field ?
> >
> > Thanks.
> >

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