On 1/1/2015 1:09 PM, Meraj A. Khan wrote:
> When running SolrCloud do you even have to include the shards parameter
> ,shouldnt only shards.qt parameter suffice?

If you are using SolrCloud, no shards parameter is required ... all
queries sent to either the collection or any shard replica will
automatically use all shards.  You *can* use the shards parameter if you
only want to query a subset of your shards, or distrib=false if you want
to only query the specific shard replica where you sent the request.

If it's not SolrCloud, there is no distributed search without the shards

If you're using the /select handler, then shards.qt is not necessary at
all.  I do not know what SolrCloud does with handlers on distributed
requests, whether it uses the same handler name for those requests, or
uses /select by default like non-cloud does.


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