Problem solved - it's caused by a system outside of Solr. Thank you all for
the prompt replies! :)

On Thu, Jan 8, 2015 at 12:40 PM, Chris Hostetter <>

> : Thank you for your reply Chris :)  Solr is producing the correct result
> on
> : its own. The problem is that I am calling a dataload class to call Solr,
> : which worked for assigned ID and composite ID, but not for UUID. Is
> there a
> Sorry -- still confused: are you confirming that you've tracked down the
> problem you are having to a system outside of Solr?  that the problem (of
> duplicate documents) is introduced by your "dataload class" prior to
> sending the docs to Solr?
> : place to delete my question on the mailing list?
> nope - once the emails have gone out, they've gone out -- just replying
> back and confirming the resolutionn to the problem you saw is good enough.
> -Hoss

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