Here are more details about our setup:

* 3 separate hosts in same rack as Solr cluster
* Zookeeper hosts do not run any other processes

* total servers: 24 (plus 2 cold standbys in case of host failure)
* physical memory: 65931872 kB (62 GB)
* max JVM heap size: -Xmx10880m ( 10 GB)
* only one Solr per host

On the Œindex¹ directory size front, I am seeing some differences in the
disk usage between leaders and replicas.

In 1 / 12 shards, there is no difference in size between the leader and

In 6 / 12 shards, there 1 1 G difference in size between the leader and
replica. Both have one index directory.

In 5 / 12 shards, the replica is a multiple of the leader size, due to
multiple index directories on disk.

For example, shard 1 leader has a directory named
'index.20140624071707699¹ 30 G in size. The replica has two directories:
'index.20150108052156468¹ at 31G and Œindex.20140624071556270¹ at 32G.



On 2015-01-09, 5:01 PM, "Shawn Heisey" <> wrote:

>On 1/9/2015 4:54 PM, Lindsay Martin wrote:
>> I am experiencing a problem where Solr nodes go into recovery following
>>an update cycle.
>> For background, here are some details about our configuration:
>> * Solr 4.10.2 (problem also observed with Solr 4.6.1)
>> * 12 shards with 2 nodes per shard
>> * a single updater running in a separate subnet is posting updates
>>using the SolrJ CloudSolrServer client. Updates are triggered hourly.
>> * system is under continuous query load
>> * autoCommit is set to 821 seconds
>> * autoSoftCommit is set to 303 seconds
>I would suspect some kind of performance problem that likely results in
>the zkClientTimeout expiring.  I have a standard set of questions for
>performance problems.
>Questions about zookeeper:
>How many ZK nodes?  Is zookeeper on separate hardware?  If it's on the
>same hardware as Solr, is its database on the same disk spindles as the
>Solr index, or separate spindles?  Is zookeeper standalone or embedded
>in Solr?  If it's standalone, do you happen to know the java max heap
>for the zookeeper processes?
>Questions about Solr and the hardware:
>How many total Solr servers?  How much RAM is installed on each one?
>What is the max size of the Java heap?  Are you running more than one
>Solr (JVM/container) instance per machine?
>If you add up all the "index" directories on a server, how much disk
>space does it take?  Is the amount of disk space used similar on all of
>the servers?

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