: It looks like this is a good starting point:
: http://wiki.apache.org/solr/SolrConfigXml#codecFactory

The default "SchemaCodecFactory" already supports defining a diff posting 
format per fieldType - but there isn't much in solr to let you "tweak" 
individual options on specific posting formats via configuration.

So what you'd need to do is write a small subclass of 
Lucene41PostingsFormat that called "super(yourMin, yourMax)" in it's 

: On 01/12/2015 03:37 PM, Tom Burton-West wrote:
: > Hello all,
: > 
: > Our indexes have around 3 billion unique terms, so for Solr 3, we set
: > TermIndexInterval to about 8 times the default.  The net effect of this is
: > to reduce the size of the in-memory index by about 1/8th.  (For background
: > see for
: > http://www.hathitrust.org/blogs/large-scale-search/too-many-words-again, )
: > 
: > We would like to do something similar for Solr4.   T
: > 
: > he Lucene 4.10.2 JavaDoc for setTermIndexInterval suggests how this can be
: > done by setting the minimum and maximum size for a block in Lucene code (
: > 
: > )
: > "For example, Lucene41PostingsFormat
: > 
: > implements the term index instead based upon how terms share prefixes. To
: > configure its parameters (the minimum and maximum size for a block), you
: > would instead use Lucene41PostingsFormat.Lucene41PostingsFormat(int, int)
: > 
: > which can also be configured on a per-field basis"
: > 
: > How can we configure Solr to use different (i.e. non-default) mimum and
: > maximum block sizes?
: > 
: > Tom
: > 


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