I have generated multiple (count of 100) sharded Lucene indexes on Hadoop and 
they are of format. The total indexed data (sum of all the index-*) is of size 
500GB and hence the number of shards.drwxr-x--- 2 index-66drwxr-x--- 2 
index-68drwxr-x--- 2 index-9........
and each index directory is of formatls index-9_4.fdt  _4.fdx  _4.fnm  
_4_Lucene40_0.frq  _4_Lucene40_0.prx  _4_Lucene40_0.tim  _4_Lucene40_0.tip  
_4_nrm.cfe  _4_nrm.cfs  segments_1  segments.gen  write.lock
Now to load this index, I am currently using Lucene IndexMergeTool to merge all 
the shards into one giant index. My question is, is there a way to load shared 
index without merging into one giant index on to single collection ?

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