On 1/15/2015 8:06 AM, Robert Krüger wrote:
> I was considering the programmatic Jetty option but then I read that Solr 5
> no longer supports being run with an external servlet container but maybe
> they still support programmatic jetty use in some way. atm I am using solr
> 4.x, so this would work. No idea if this gets messy classloader-wise in any
> way.
> I have been using exactly the approach you described in the past, i.e. I
> built a really, really simple swing dialogue to input queries and display
> results in a table but was just guessing that the built-in ui was far
> superior but maybe I should just live with it for the time being.

Right now with 5.0 the distinction you're talking about is semantics. 
We will no longer *ship* a war ... but for the immediate future, when
you run Solr, you will still be running jetty, which will then run Solr
as a webapp.  It might still be possible to build a war using the source
code, at least for the immediate future.  I don't know if there will be
a war that you can find within the binary Solr 5.0 download ... I
haven't been involved with the packaging.  The webapp might be fully
exploded rather than packaged in a war.

The bin/solr script that we are using now will handle all the details of
finding and running jetty.  At some point, hopefully soon, Solr will
actually own the network layer, so you (or the bin/solr script) will
actually start Solr as an application.  When we reach that point, Jetty
might be the transport method, but if that's the case, it will be fully
embedded inside Solr.  Currently the Jetty bits in the Solr download are
100% identical to what you can download from eclipse.org.


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