I've seen the same thing, poked around a bit and eventually decided to ignore it. I think there may be a ticket related to that saying it's a logging bug (ie not a real issue), but I couldn't swear to it.


On 01/16/2015 12:36 PM, Tom Burton-West wrote:

I'm running Solr 4.10.2 out of the box with the Solr example.

i.e. ant example
cd solr/example
java -jar start.jar

in /example/log

At start-up the example gives this message in the log:

WARN  - 2015-01-16 12:31:40.895; org.apache.solr.core.RequestHandlers;
Multiple requestHandler registered to the same name: /update ignoring:

Is this a bug?   Is there something wrong with the out of the box example


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