On 1/21/2015 9:15 AM, Clemens Wyss DEV wrote:
> What I meant is:
> If I do SolrServer#rollback after 11 documents were added, will then only 1 
> or all 11 docments that have been added "in the 
> SolrServer-tranascation/context"?

If autoCommit is set to 10 docs and openSearcher is true, it would roll
back one document, assuming that the 11th document didn't make it into
the index before the commit actually started.  I'm not sure if the
autoCommit settings are perfectly atomic, or if there would be enough of
a time gap to allow a few more documents to make it in.  If you added
the documents one at a time, I could be sure that the rollback would be
one document.

If openSearcher is false, I'm not sure whether it would do one or 11.  I
just don't know enough about the underlying API.


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