When I polled the various projects already using Solr at my organization, I
was greatly surprised that none of them were using Solr replication,
because they had talked about "replicating" the data.

But we are not Pinterest, and do not expect to be taking in changes one
post at a time (at least the engineers don't - just wait until its used for
a Crud app that wants full-text search on a description field!).    Still,
rsync can be very, very fast with the right options (-W for gigabit
ethernet, and maybe -S for sparse files).   I've clocked it at 48 MB/s over
GigE previously.

Does anyone have any numbers for how fast Solr replication goes, and what
to do to tune it?

I'm not enthusiastic to give-up recently tested cluster stability for a
home grown mess, but I am interested in numbers that are out there.

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