On 1/28/2015 3:56 AM, thakkar.aayush wrote:
> I have around 1 million job titles which are indexed on Solr and am looking
> to improve the faceted search results on job title matches.
> For example: a job search for *Research Scientist Computer Architecture* is
> made, and the facet field title which is tokenized in solr and gives the
> following results:
> 1. Senior Data Scientist 
> 3. Engineer/Scientist 4 
> 4. Data Scientist 
> 5. Engineer/Scientist 
> 6. Senior Research Scientist 
> 7. Research Scientist-Wireless Networks 
> 8. Research Scientist-Andriod Development 
> 9. Quantum Computing Theorist Job 
> 10.Data Sceintist Smart Analytics
> I want to be able to improve / optimize the job titles and be able to make
> exclusions and some normalizations. Is this possible with Solr? What is the
> best way to have more granular control over the facted search results ?
> For example *Engineer/Scientist 4* - is not useful and too specific and
> titles like *Quantum Computing theorist* would ideally also be excluded

Normally, if the field is tokenized, you will not get the original
values in the facet.  You will get values like "senior" instead of
"Senior Data Scientist".  If DocValues are enabled on the field, then
you may well indeed get the original values.  I've never tried facets on
a tokenized field with DocValues, but everything I understand about the
feature says it would result in the original (not tokenized) values.

If you want different values in the facets, then you'll need to change
those values before they get indexed in Solr.  That can be done with
custom UpdateProcessor code embedded in the update chain, or you can
simply do the changes in your program that indexes the data in Solr.


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