I tried increasing my alternativeTermCount to 5 and enable extended results. I also added a filter fq parameter to clarify what I mean:
*Querying for "go pro" is good:* { "responseHeader": { "status": 0, "QTime": 2, "params": { "q": "go pro", "indent": "true", "fq": "marchio:\"GO PRO\"", "rows": "1", "wt": "json", "spellcheck.extendedResults": "true", "_": "1422485581792" } }, "response": { "numFound": 27, "start": 0, "docs": [ { "codice_produttore_s": "DK00150020", "codice_s": "5.BAT.27407", "id": "27407", "marchio": "GO PRO", "barcode_interno_s": "185323000958", "prezzo_acquisto_d": 16.12, "data_aggiornamento_dt": "2012-06-21T00:00:00Z", "descrizione": "BATTERIA GO PRO HERO ", "prezzo_vendita_d": 39.9, "categoria": "Batterie", "_version_": 1491583424191791000 }, ............ ] }, "spellcheck": { "suggestions": [ "go pro", { "numFound": 1, "startOffset": 0, "endOffset": 6, "origFreq": 433, "suggestion": [ { "word": "gopro", "freq": 2 } ] }, "correctlySpelled", false, "collation", [ "collationQuery", "gopro", "hits", 3, "misspellingsAndCorrections", [ "go pro", "gopro" ] ] ] } } While querying for "gopro" is not: { "responseHeader": { "status": 0, "QTime": 6, "params": { "q": "gopro", "indent": "true", "fq": "marchio:\"GO PRO\"", "rows": "1", "wt": "json", "spellcheck.extendedResults": "true", "_": "1422485629480" } }, "response": { "numFound": 3, "start": 0, "docs": [ { "codice_produttore_s": "DK0030010", "codice_s": "5.VID.39163", "id": "38814", "marchio": "GO PRO", "barcode_interno_s": "818279012477", "prezzo_acquisto_d": 150.84, "data_aggiornamento_dt": "2014-12-24T00:00:00Z", "descrizione": "VIDEOCAMERA GO-PRO HERO 3 WHITE NUOVO SLIM", "prezzo_vendita_d": 219, "categoria": "Fotografia", "_version_": 1491583425479442400 }, ............ ] }, "spellcheck": { "suggestions": [ "gopro", { "numFound": 1, "startOffset": 0, "endOffset": 5, "origFreq": 2, "suggestion": [ { "word": "giro", "freq": 6 } ] }, "correctlySpelled", false ] } } --- I'd like "go pro" as a suggestion for "gopro" too. -- View this message in context: http://lucene.472066.n3.nabble.com/Suggesting-broken-words-with-solr-WordBreakSolrSpellChecker-tp4182172p4182735.html Sent from the Solr - User mailing list archive at Nabble.com.