We are getting inconsistent scoring results in Solr. It works about 95% of
the time, where a search on one term returns the results which equal exactly
that one term at the top, and results with multiple terms that also contain
that one term are returned lower. Occasionally, however, if a subset of the
data has been re-indexed (the same data just added to the index again) then
the results will be slightly off, for example the data from the earlier
index will get a higher score than it should, until we re-index all the


Our assumption here is that setting omitNorms to false, then indexing the
data, then searching, should result in scores where the data with an exact
match has a higher score. We usually see this but not always. Is something
added to the score besides the value that is being searched that we are not



Scott Johnson
Data Advantage Group, Inc.

604 Mission Street 
San Francisco, CA 94105 
Office:   +1.415.947.0400 x204
Fax:      +1.415.947.0401

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