
We are currently comparing the RAM consumption of two parallel Solr
clusters with different solr versions: 4.10.2 and 4.3.1.

For comparable index sizes of a shard (20G and 26G), we observed 9G vs 5.6G
RAM footprint (reserved RAM as seen by top), 4.3.1 being the winner.

We have not changed the solrconfig.xml to upgrade to 4.10.2 and have
reindexed data from scratch. The commits are all controlled on the client,
i.e. not auto-commits.

Solr: 4.10.2 (high load, mass indexing)
Java: 1.7.0_76 (Oracle)

Solr: 4.3.1 (normal load, no mass indexing)
Java: 1.7.0_11 (Oracle)

The RAM consumption remained the same after the load has stopped on the
4.10.2 cluster. Manually collecting the memory on a 4.10.2 shard via
jvisualvm dropped the used RAM from 8,5G to 0,5G. But the reserved RAM as
seen by top remained at 9G level.

This unusual spike happened during mass data indexing.

What else could be the artifact of such a difference -- Solr or JVM? Can it
only be explained by the mass indexing? What is worrisome is that the
4.10.2 shard reserves 8x times it uses.

What can be done about this?

Dmitry Kan
Luke Toolbox: http://github.com/DmitryKey/luke
Blog: http://dmitrykan.blogspot.com
Twitter: http://twitter.com/dmitrykan
SemanticAnalyzer: www.semanticanalyzer.info

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