
We are trying to upgrade from Solr 4.6 to 4.10.3. When testing search 4.10.3 
search results are not being returned, actually looks like only the first word 
in a sentence is getting indexed. 
Ex: inserting "This is a test message" only returns results when searching for 
content:this*. searching for content:test* or content:message* does not work 
with 4.10. Only searching for content:*message* works. This leads to me to 
believe there is something wrong with behaviour of our analyzer and tokenizers 

A little bit of background. 

We have our own analyzer and tokenizer since pre solr 1.4 and its been 
regularly updated. The analyzer works with solr 4.6 we have it running in 
production (I also tested that search works with solr 4.9.1).
It is very similar to the tokenizers and analyzers located here.
But with modifications to work with latest solr/lucene code ex: override- 

The schema of the filed being analyzed is as follows

<field name="content" type="ourType" stored="false" indexed = "true" 
required="false" multiValued="true" />

<fieldType name="ourType" indexed = "true" class="solr.TextField" >
            <analyzer class = "com.zimbra.cs.index.ZimbraAnalyzer"  />
Looking at the release notes from solr and lucene
Nothing really sticks out, atleast to me.  Any help to get it working with 4.10 
would be great.


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