
We normally run an optimize with maxSegments="2"  after our daily indexing.
This has worked without problem on Solr 3.6.  We recently moved to Solr
4.10.2 and on several shards the optimize completed with no errors in the
logs, but left more than 2 segments.

We send this xml to Solr
<optimize maxSegments="2"/>

I've attached a copy of the indexwriter log for one of the segments where
there were 4 segments rather than the requested number (i.e. there should
have been only 2 segments) at the end of the optimize.    It looks like a
merge was done down to two segments and then somehow another process
flushed some postings to disk creating two more segments.  Then there are
messages about 2 of the remaining 4 segments being too big. (See below)

What we expected is that the remainng 2 small segments (about 40MB) would
get merged with the smaller of the two large segments, i.e. with the 56GB
segment, since we gave the argument maxSegments=2.   This didn't happen.

Any suggestions about how to troubleshoot this issue would be appreciated.


Excerpt from indexwriter log:

TMP][http-8091-Processor5]: findForcedMerges maxSegmentCount=2  ...
[IW][Lucene Merge Thread #0]: merge time 3842310 msec for 65236 docs
[TMP][http-8091-Processor5]: findMerges: 4 segments
 [TMP][http-8091-Processor5]:   seg=_1fzb(4.10.2):C1081559/24089:delGen=9
size=672402.066 MB [skip: too large]
 [TMP][http-8091-Processor5]:   seg=_1gj2(4.10.2):C65236/2:delGen=1
size=56179.245 MB [skip: too large]
 [TMP][http-8091-Processor5]:   seg=_1gj0(4.10.2):C16 size=44.280 MB
 [TMP][http-8091-Processor5]:   seg=_1gj1(4.10.2):C8 size=40.442 MB
 [TMP][http-8091-Processor5]:   allowedSegmentCount=3 vs count=4 (eligible
count=2) tooBigCount=2

Attachment: build-1.iw.2015-02-23.txt.gz
Description: GNU Zip compressed data

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