Solr is an IR system where Spell correction is a topping however Google has
a team dedicated just for Spell corrections. Did you mean (more general
term and much broader than basic Spell correctors) or Spell Correctors
require a plethora of skills. I will just discuss Spell correctors here and
not go into Did you mean:

To start with: 1) Edit Distances (Example: In misspelt 'cax' if x is
replaced by 'r' or 't' it becomes car and cat respectively which can be
probable candidates for your misspelt word and now since both are at edit
distance of 1 you can select the one which occurs more number of times in
your solr index, however you will have to handle the cases where the
misspelt word is already present in your index. Say you have misspelt token
'cax' occuring 100 times in your index )

A good spell corrector requires a lot of features on top of the above

2) Phonetics (sounds of words/metaphone etc.).
3) If you have natural language queries like "The cax ran out of the
house", here cat would be much more suitable spelling correction for cax as
compared to car.
4) Language models play an important role. Think, what is the probability
of getting an 'm' after 'e' and how does it compare with getting a 'z'
after 'e'
5) Your search/http etc. logs will be a good source to improve spell
6) and you can list several other

You can build a physics based model by taking into account the above
features for recommending the best.

However rather than working hard doing the above there is always a smarter
way out :), one example on that can be looking at terms in your solr index
and the one's occuring the least times can be analyzed for spelling errors.


On Mon, Feb 23, 2015 at 9:53 PM, Nitin Solanki <> wrote:

> Hello,
>           I came in the worst condition. I want to do spell/query
> correction functionality. I have 49 GB indexed data where I have applied
> spellchecker. I want to do same as Google - "*did you mean*".
> *Example* - If any user types any question/query which might be misspell or
> wrong typed. I need to give them suggestion like "Did you mean".
> Is Solr best for it?
> Warm Regards,
> Nitin Solanki

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