Tang, Rebecca [rebecca.t...@ucsf.edu] wrote:
[12-15 second response time instead of 0-3]
> Solr index size 183G
> Documents in index 14364201
> We just have single solr box
> It has 100G memory
> 500G Harddrive
> 16 cpus

The usual culprit is memory (if you are using spinning drive as your storage). 
It appears that you have enough raw memory though. Could you check how much 
memory the machine has free for disk caching? If it is a relative small amount, 
let's say below 50GB, then please provide a breakdown of what the memory is 
used for (very large JVM heap for example).

> I want to pinpoint where the performance issue is coming from.  Could I have 
> some suggestions/help on how to benchmark/debug solr performance issues.

Rough checking of IOWait and CPU load is a fine starting point. If if is CPU 
load then you can turn on debug in Solr admin, which should tell you where the 
time is spend resolving the queries. It it is IOWait then ensure a lot of free 
memory for disk cache and/or improve your storage speed (SSDs instead of 
spinning drives, local storage instead of remote).

- Toke Eskildsen, State and University Library, Denmark.

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