On 2/26/2015 10:07 PM, Danesh Kuruppu wrote:
> I need to include embed solr server into my maven project. I am going to
> use latest solr 5.0.0.
> Need to know which dependencies I need to include in my project. As I
> understand, I need to have solr-core[1] and solr-solrj[2]. Do I need to
> include lucene dependency in my project. If so, which dependencies we need
> to include to enable all indexing capabilities.
> 1. http://mvnrepository.com/artifact/org.apache.solr/solr-core/5.0.0
> 2. http://mvnrepository.com/artifact/org.apache.solr/solr-solrj/5.0.0

Using the embedded server may not be the best idea.  A lot of Solr
functionality is not available in the embedded server.  You can't use
SolrCloud, which is a relatively easy way to provide high availability.
 The legacy method for redundancy, master-slave replication, also does
not work in the embedded server.  The admin UI is not available.

If you choose to go ahead with the embedded server ... for complete
safety, you should probably extract the war file and copy all the jars
from WEB-INF/lib.  If you want to take a more minimalistic approach, I
think these are the Lucene jars you will need for minimum functionality:


There are quite a few Lucene jars, and I'm not overly familiar with
everything that Solr uses, so I might have left some out that would be
required for very basic functionality.  For more advanced functionality,
additional Lucene jars will definitely be required.

There are also third-party jars that are required, such as slf4j jars
for logging.  The codebase as a whole has dependencies on things like
google guava, several apache commons jars, and other pieces ... I have
no idea which of those can be left out when using the embedded server.
I tried to find a definitive list of required jars, and was not able to
locate one.


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