You haven't stated it explicitly, but I think you're running SolrCloud, right?

In which case... the configs are all stored in ZooKeeper, and you don't
edit them there. The startup scripts automate the "upconfig" step that
pushes your configs to Zookeeper. Thereafter, they are read from
Zookeeper by the Solr node on startup from ZK, but not stored locally
on each node. Otherwise, keeping all the nodes coordinated would be

You can see the uploaded configs in the Solr admin UI/Cloud/tree/configs

So you keep your configs somewhere (some kind of VCS is recommended)
and, when you make changes to them, push the results to ZK and either
restart or reload your collection.

Did you see the documentation at:

And assuming I'm right and you're using SolrCloud, I _strongly_ suggest you
try to think in terms of replicas rather than cores. In particular
avoid using the
old, familiar admin core API and instead use the collections api (see
the ref guide).
You can do pretty much anything with the collections api you used to
do with the core admin,
and at the same time have a lot less chance to get something wrong.
The collections
api makes use of the individual core admin API calls to carry out the
instructed tasks as

All that said, "the new way of doing things" is a bit of a shock to
the system if you're an
old Solr hand, especially in SolrCloud.


On Sun, Mar 1, 2015 at 4:58 PM, Gulliver Smith
<> wrote:
> I am running the out-of-the-box solr5 as instructed in the tutorial.
> The solr documentation has no useful documentation about the shema
> file argument to create core.
> I have a schema.xml that I was using for a solr 4 installation by
> manually editing the core directories as root.
> When playing with solr5, I have tried a number of things without success.
> a) copied my custom schema.xml to
> server/solr/configsets/basic_configs/conf/custom_schema.xml
>     - when I typed custom_schema.xml into the "schema:" field in the
> create core dialog, a core is created but the new schema isn't used.
> Making cusom_schema.xml into invalid XML doesn't break anything.
> b) put custom_schema.xml in an accessible location on my server and
> entered the full path into the schema field - in this case I got an
> error message "Error CREATEing SolrCore 'xxx': Unable to create core
> ... Invalid path string
> "/configs/gettingstarted//.../custom_schema.xml
> There is no "configs" directory in the solr installaition.There is no
> "gettingstarted" directory either, though there are
> gettingstarted_shard1_replica1 etc. directories.
> The only meaningful schema.xml seems to be
> server/solr/configsets/basic_configs/conf/schema.xml.
> The cores are created in example/cloud/node*/solr
> There is no directory structure in the installation matching that
> described in the 500 page pdf.The files screen in the admin console
> does not mention schema.xml and there doesn't seem to be any place
> namimg or showing schema.xml in the admin interface.
> So how in the world is one to install a custom schema?
> Thanks
> Gulliver

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