Short form:
While testing Solr 5.0.0 within our staging environment, I noticed that 
highlight enabled queries are much slower than I saw with 4.10. Are there any 
obvious reasons why this might be the case? As far as I can tell, nothing has 
changed with the default highlight search component or its parameters.

A little more detail:
The bulk of the collection config set was stolen from the basic 4.X example 
config set. I changed my schema.xml and solrconfig.xml just enough to get 5.0 
to create a new collection (removed non-trie fields, some other deprecated 
response handler definitions, etc). I can provide my version of the 
solr.HighlightComponent config, but it is identical to the 
sample_techproducts_configs example in 5.0.  Are there any other config files I 
could provide that might be useful?

Number on “much slower”:
I indexed a very small subset of my data into the new collection and used the 
/select interface to do a simple debug query. Solr 4.10 gives the following 
pertinent info:
"response": {
    "numFound": 72628,
"debug": {
 "timing": {
      "time": 95,
      "process": {
        "time": 94,
        "query": {
          "time": 6
        "highlight": {
          "time": 84
        "debug": {
          "time": 4
Whereas solr 5.0 is:
 "response": {
    "numFound": 1093,
  "debug": {   
   "timing": {
      "time": 6551,
      "process": {
        "time": 6549,
        "query": {
          "time": 0
        "highlight": {
          "time": 6524
        "debug": {
          "time": 25

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