Here is the specs of some example query faceting on three fields (all
string type):
first call: 1+ sec (with docValues) vs. 4+ sec (w/o docValues)
subsequent calls: 30+ ms (with docValues) vs. 100+ ms (w/o docValues)
the total # of docs returned is around 600,000

On Thu, Mar 5, 2015 at 11:18 AM, lei <> wrote:

> Hi there,
> I'm testing facet performance with vs without docValues in Solr 4.7, and
> found that on first request, performance with docValues is much faster
> than non-docValues. However, for subsequent requests (where the queries are
> cached), the performance is slower for docValues than non-docValues. Is
> this an expected behavior? Any idea or solution is appreciated. Thanks.

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