
Things you have mentioned would be useful for our use-case.

On top we've seen these two requests for securing Solr:

1. Encrypting the index (with a customer private key for instance). There
are certainly other ways to go about this, like using virtual private
clouds, but having the feature in solr could allow multitenant Solr

2. ACLs: giving access rights to parts of the index / document sets
depending on the user access rights.

On Thu, Mar 12, 2015 at 1:32 PM, Jan Høydahl <jan....@cominvent.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> Securing various Solr APIs has once again surfaced as a discussion in the
> developer list. See e.g. SOLR-7236
> Would be useful to get some feedback from Solr users about needs "in the
> field".
> Please reply to this email and let us know what security aspect(s) would
> be most important for your company to see supported in a future version of
> Solr.
> Examples: Local user management, AD/LDAP integration, SSL, authenticated
> login to Admin UI, authorization for Admin APIs, e.g. admin user vs
> read-only user etc
> --
> Jan Høydahl, search solution architect
> Cominvent AS - www.cominvent.com

Dmitry Kan
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