Erick, are you sure that configSets don't apply to single-node Solr

I don't see anything about Solr cloud there. Also, "configSet" is a
documented argument to the Core Admin API:

And one of the few things [I thought] I knew about "cloud" vs "non cloud"
setups was the Collections API is for cloud and Cores API is for non cloud,
right? So why would the non-cloud API take a cloud-only argument?

On Thu, Mar 26, 2015 at 1:16 PM, Mark E. Haase <> wrote:

> Okay, thanks for the feedback. I'll admit that I do find the cloud vs
> non-cloud deployment options a constant source of confusion, not the least
> of which is due to the name. If I run a single Solr instance on EC2, that's
> not "cloud", but if I run a few instances with ZK on my local LAN, that is
> "cloud". Mmmkay.
> I can't imagine why the API documentation wouldn't mention that the API
> can't actually do the thing it's supposed to do (create a core). What's the
> purpose of having an HTTP API if I'm expected to already have write access
> to the host's file system to use it? Maybe its intended as private API? It
> should only be used by Solr itself, e.g. `solr create -c foo` uses the
> Cores Admin API to do some (but not all) of its work. But if that's the
> case, then the API docs should say that.
> From an API consumer's point of view, I'm not really interested in being
> forced to learn the history of the project to use the API. The whole point
> of creating APIs is to abstract out details that the caller doesn't need to
> know, and yet this API requires an understanding of Solr's internal file
> structure and history of the project?
> Yikes.
> On Thu, Mar 26, 2015 at 12:56 PM, Erick Erickson <>
> wrote:
>> Ok, you're being confused by cloud, non cloud and all that kinda stuff....
>> Configsets are SolrCloud only, so forget them since you specified it's
>> not SolrCloud.
>> bq: surely the HTTP API doesn't require the caller to create a
>> directory and copy files first, does it
>> In fact, yes. The thing to remember here is that you're using a much
>> older approach that had its roots in the pre-cloud days. The problem
>> is how do you insure that the configurations are on the node you're
>> creating the core on? The whole configsets discussion is an attempt to
>> solve that in SolrCloud by putting the configs in a place any Solr
>> instance can find them, namely Zookeeper.
>> But in non-cloud, there's no central repository. You could be firing
>> the query from node X and creating the core on node Y. So Solr expects
>> the config files to already be in place; you have to manually copy
>> them to node Y anyway, why not copy them to the place they'll be
>> needed?
>> The scripts make an assumption that you're running on the same node
>> you're running the scripts for quick-start purposes.
>> Best,
>> Erick
>> On Thu, Mar 26, 2015 at 9:24 AM, Mark E. Haase <> wrote:
>> > I can't get the Core Admin API to work. I have a brand new installation
>> of
>> > Solr 5.0.0 (in non-cloud mode). I installed using the installation
>> script
>> > (a nice addition!) with default options, so I have Solr in /opt/solr and
>> > its data in /var/solr.
>> >
>> > Here's what I'm trying:
>> >
>> >     curl '
>> http://localhost:8983/solr/admin/cores?action=CREATE&name=new_core
>> > '
>> >
>> > But I get this error:
>> >
>> >     Error CREATEing SolrCore 'new_core': Unable to create core
>> [new_core]
>> > Caused by: Can't find resource 'solrconfig.xml' in classpath or
>> > '/var/solr/data/new_core/conf'
>> >
>> > Solr isn't even creating /var/solr/data/new_core, which I guess is the
>> root
>> > of the problem. But /var/solr is owned by the solr user and I can do
>> `sudo
>> > -u solr mkdir /var/solr/data/new_core` just fine. So why isn't Solr
>> making
>> > this directory?
>> >
>> > I see that 'instanceDir' is required, but I don't get an error message
>> if I
>> > *don't* use it, so I'm not sure how required it actually is. I'm also
>> not
>> > sure if its supposed to be a full path or a relative path or what, so
>> here
>> > are a couple of other guesses at the correct incantation:
>> >
>> >     curl '
>> >
>> http://localhost:8983/solr/admin/cores?action=CREATE&name=new_core&instanceDir=new_core
>> > '
>> >     curl '
>> >
>> http://localhost:8983/solr/admin/cores?action=CREATE&name=new_core&instanceDir=/var/solr/data/new_core
>> > '
>> >
>> > These both return the same error message as my first try, so no dice...
>> >
>> > FWIW, I get the same error message even if I try doing this with the
>> Solr
>> > Admin GUI so I'm really puzzled. Is the GUI supposed to work?
>> >
>> > I found a thread on Stack Overflow about this same problem (
>> > that suggests using
>> configSet.
>> > Okay, the installer put some configs sets in
>> > /opt/solr/server /opt/solr/server/solr/configsets, and the
>> 'basic_config'
>> > config set has a solrconfig.xml in it, so maybe that would solve my
>> > solrconfig.xml error?
>> >
>> > If I compare the HTTP API to the `solr create -c foo` script, it appears
>> > that the script creates the instance directory and copies in conf files
>> *before
>> > *it calls the HTTP API... surely the HTTP API doesn't require the
>> caller to
>> > create a directory and copy files first, does it?
>> >
>> > --
>> > Mark E. Haase
> --
> Mark E. Haase
> 202-815-0201

Mark E. Haase

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