On 4/1/2015 6:35 AM, Dominique Bejean wrote:
> Is it normal with Solr 4.10.3 that the data directory of replicas still
> contains directories like
> index.3636365667474747
> index.9990809809888876
> and files
> index.properties
> replica.properties
> If yes, why and in which circumstances ?

The index.nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn directories are created during master/slave
index replication.  If you're running SolrCloud, then replication is
only used for index recovery.  Index recovery is only required in
situations where the replicas are so far behind that the transaction log
cannot be used to synchronize them, and sometimes happens when a Solr
node is restarted.  If SolrCloud index recovery is actually required
when you are NOT restarting Solr instances, your index might be having

Regardless of whether you're running SolrCloud or not, normally when one
of those directories with a numeric suffix is created, it will be
changed to "index" with no suffix after the replication is complete, but
if Solr is unable to change the directories for some reason, it will
simply keep and use the new directory with the suffix.  Do you see any
ERROR or WARN entries in your solr logfile that would indicate why Solr
cannot change the directory name?  Are you on Windows?  Problems like
this are more common on Windows, because Windows prevents a lot of file
operations when files/directories are open.

The long-term existence of directories with this naming convention
indicates that *something* went wrong, but you would need to consult
your logs to find out what happened.  There have been several bugs over
Solr's history that cause this problem.


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