I mean that you could use XSLTResponseWriter to generate exactly the format you 
want.   However, I anticipate that if you already have a custom response, 
getting it to automatically generate XML/JSON/Python/Ruby was an expectation, 
and may be a requirement.

Maybe you should look at the code - it could be that the standard response 
writer looks explicitly at the "wt" parameter and does something using these 
other response writers that you should copy.

-----Original Message-----
From: Davis, Daniel (NIH/NLM) [C] 
Sent: Thursday, April 02, 2015 1:00 PM
To: solr-user@lucene.apache.org
Subject: RE: Generating json response in custom requestHandler (xml is working)

Use XSLT to generate JSON?    But you probably actually do want both, and 
ruby/python, etc.

-----Original Message-----
From: Christian Reuschling [mailto:christian.reuschl...@gmail.com] 
Sent: Thursday, April 02, 2015 12:51 PM
To: solr-user@lucene.apache.org
Subject: Generating json response in custom requestHandler (xml is working)


I managed it to create a small custom requestHandler, and filled the response 
parameter with  some static values in the structure I want to have later.

I can invoke the requestHander from the browser and get nicely xml with the 
data and structure I had specified - so far so good. Here is the xml response:

        <lst name="responseHeader">
                <int name="status">0</int>
                <int name="QTime">17</int>
        <lst name="response">
                <double name="doubleAtt1">13.0</double>
                <double name="doubleAtt2">14.0</double>
                <int name="intAtt1">15</int>
                <double name="doubleAtt3">16.0</double>
                <double name="doubleAtt4">17.0</double>
                <arr name="slices">
                                <double name="doubleAtt1">13.0</double>
                                <double name="doubleAtt2">14.0</double>
                                <int name="intAtt1">15</int>
                                <double name="doubleAtt5">16.0</double>
                                <double name="doubleAtt6">17.0</double>
                                <arr name="ids">
                                <double name="doubleAtt1">13.0</double>
                                <double name="doubleAtt2">14.0</double>
                                <int name="intAtt1">15</int>
                                <double name="doubleAtt5">16.0</double>
                                <double name="doubleAtt6">17.0</double>
                                <arr name="ids">

Now I simply add &wt=json to the invocation. Sadly I get a


Problem accessing /solr/etr_base_core/trends&wt=json. Reason:

    Not Found

I had the feeling that the response format is transparent for me when I write a 
custom requestHandler. But it seems I've overseen something.

Does anybody have an idea?



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