On 4/3/2015 12:28 AM, shamik wrote:
> Ok, I figured the steps in case someone needs a reference. It required  both
> zkcli and RELOAD to update the changes.
> 1. Use zkcli to load the changes. I ran it from the node which used the
> bootstrapping.
> sh zkcli.sh -cmd upconfig -zkhost  zoohost1:2181 -confname myconf -solrhome 
> /mnt/opt/solrhome/ -confdir /mnt/opt/solrhome/solr/collection1/conf/ 
> 2. Use the same node to run the RELOAD
> http://54.151.xx.xxx:8983/solr/admin/cores?action=RELOAD&core=collection1

I was about to reply to your first message, then I read the second one.
 You've found the essence of the correct procedure, which is to upload
the new config and then RELOAD.

With SolrCloud, you should reload using the Collections API, not the
CoreAdmin API.  It will reload all the shard replicas (cores) in the
collection with one HTTP call.  Since a fault tolerant collection will
involve at least two cores located on different servers, the Collections
API is a lot easier to manage.



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