You can use Result Grouping by a function using query(), but you'll need a
version of Lucene with this bug fixed:


On Thursday, April 9, 2015, Jens Mayer <> wrote:

> Hey everybody,
> I have the following situation in my search application: I've been
> searching street sources. By executing a search I receive several matches.
> The first 10 matches are displayed. But in this situation a part of the
> results are nearly the same.As example if I seach for Berlin I'll receive
> every zip as a single set of data in my top 10. But my application only
> shows the zip if you explicitly search for this e.g.14089 Berlin. So if you
> only search for Berlin you receive ten times Berlin without zip as result.
> So I like to avoid this situation.I've take a look about my results and it
> come to my attention that these set of data have every time the same score.
> At the following I would implement a grouping by score. But seeming solr
> don't know this field. But I wondering about the fact that inside a
> grouped set of data after all I can sort by score.
> Have someone an Idea how I can resolve this?
> Greetings

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