
I apologize if this question is redundant.  I've spent a few days on it and
scoured the Internet; I know that this question has been asked and answered
in various capacities for different versions of Solr; the reason I am
inquiring to this mailing list is because what I am attempting to do seems
to be supported in the Solr API documentation at the following URL:




Here is what I am trying to do; I have a single text field that contains a
large amount of data (it's not huge, but it may contain more than 2048
characters of data for example).  What I would like to do is have full
search capabilities (for a single input term that is a word, i.e. 'a' or
'queue') via a variable length NGramFilter with a size of 1..10 (for
example).   I've read various posts that partial highlighting on variable
length NGramFilters is 'broken' or that fast vector highlighting cannot be
used.  Basically, it seems that I can search using NGramFilters, however the
highlights that are being returned are inaccurate.


I think my question is fundamental  in nature; should I be able to get
accurate partial highlights of a variable length NGramfilter with any
version of Solr (using any highlighter, standard fast vector or otherwise)?
The documentation I linked above suggests it is possible.  


I appreciate you taking the time to help me.


I have tried numerous configurations to no avail, so it might be moot to
post my configuration, however here it is.


schema.xml - https://gist.github.com/dsulli99/c1d8f3536ade65e8eb35

solrconfig.xml https://gist.github.com/dsulli99/10e2af507cde4373adba


Thank you,






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