On 4/15/2015 2:02 AM, Pedro Figueiredo wrote:
> My solr installation is in cloud mode... so the basic solr stop and start 
> does not update the configuration right?
> I started solr using: 
> solr -c -Dbootstrap_confdir=C:\solr-5.0.0\server\solr\patientsCollection\conf 
> -Dcollection.configName=myconf
> and the error was solved.

I really dislike the bootstrap options.  They are designed to be run
exactly once -- when you are first converting a non-cloud config to
cloud.  If they are used beyond that, they will likely cause confusion.

When you're running SolrCloud, editing the schema on the disk does
nothing.  You must upload the changed config to zookeeper, where
SolrCloud actually looks for config data.  That's what the startup
options that you added will do, is upload that specific config to
zookeeper with that specific name, and it will do it every time you
start Solr with those options.

The zkcli script, specifically its "upconfig" command, should be used to
do that.  Then you can use the Collections API to reload the collection,
and follow that up with a reindex.



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