
Apologize for sending this again. I am trying to port my none solrcloud
custom search handler to a solrcloud one. I have read the
<http://wiki.apache.org/solr/WritingDistributedSearchComponents> wiki page
and looked at Terms and Querycomponent codes but the control flow of
execution is still fuzzy (even given the “distributed algorithm”

Concretely, I have a none solrcloud algorithm that given a sequence of
tokens T would

1- split T into single tokens

2- foreach token t_i

get all the DocList for t_i by executing rb.req.getSearcher().getDocList in
process() method of the custom search component

3- do some magic on the collection of doclists

My question is how can i

1) do the splitting (step 1 above) in a single shard, and

2) distribute the getDocList for each token t_i to all shards

3) wait till i have all the doclists from all shards, then

4) do something with the results, in the original calling shard (step 1

Thank you for your help

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