I got same issue when using 4.10.2. I suspected this issue will cause
trouble when using too many reducers.
Then I tried to use less reducers, and made it work.
I do not think map-reduce contrib in this version is stable... Anyway it is

On Tue, Apr 21, 2015 at 10:56 PM, ralph tice <ralph.t...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hello list,
> I'm using mapreduce from contrib and I get this stack trace:
> https://gist.github.com/ralph-tice/b1e84bdeb64532c7ecab
> Whenever I specify <luceneMatchVersion>4.10</luceneMatchVersion> in my
> solrconfig.xml.  4.9 works fine.  I'm using 4.10.4 artifacts for both map
> reduce runs.  I tried raising maxWarmingSearchers to 20 and set
> openSearcher to false in my configs with no difference.
> I have started studying the code, but why would BatchWriter invoke warming
> (autowarming?) on a close, let alone opening a new searcher?  Should I be
> looking in Lucene or Solr code to investigate this regression?  I also
> notice there are interesting defaults for FaultTolerance in SolrReducer
> that don't appear to be documented:
> https://github.com/apache/lucene-solr/blob/trunk/solr/contrib/map-reduce/src/java/org/apache/solr/hadoop/SolrReducer.java#L70-L73
> but reading https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/SOLR-5758 sounds like
> they are either unimportant or overlooked?
> Also, we will probably be testing mapreduce contrib with 5.x, has anyone
> been successful with this yet or are there any known issues?  I don't see a
> lot of changes on contrib/map-reduce...
> Regards,
> --Ralph Tice
> ralph.t...@gmail.com


Shenghua (Daniel) Wan

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